SelectaDNA Aerosols for Slimline Unit (Twin Code) | SelectaDNA

SelectaDNA Aerosols for Slimline Unit (Twin Code)

SelectaDNA Aerosol (Double Code) is for use with the Slimline Unit. The Aerosols contains a unique synthetic DNA that can link an offender to a crime scene. The Double Code aerosols allow you to install 2 Slimline Spray Heads with the same unique DNA code.

Brand: SelectaDNA


Minimum order quantity: 1 units

SKU: 19832S

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Full Details

Our aerosols are at the heart of our intruder spray system - a system that is used in over 20 countries worldwide to protect businesses from theft.

The aerosols contains a solution of unique SelectaDNA and UV marker. Mount them in our Slimline Spray Heads, and when the spray head receives a signal from the PIR, the aerosol will quickly cover the offender in SelectaDNA - which clings to the criminal’s skin and clothes, allowing Police to detect them and then link them to a specific crime.

The power of SelectaDNA deters criminals from targeting your business. Each double code aerosol is for use in one Slimline Spray Head and can be activated no more than once.

To find out more about how the SelectaDNA Spray System works click here